There are 10 teams signed up for this tournament, 8 teams have the correct number of players with Il tuo ID di gioco per LEAGUE OF LEGENDSs entered.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players |
Romagnosi_Legend | ROMLOL | - | 1 |
Dragon's Breath | DRG BRT | - | 6 |
CiampiniGaming2 | CB_NL2 | - | 4 |
Liceo Da Vinci | DaVinci | - | 8 |
AsproniFermi_LoL | IgleLoL | - | 10 |
Euclide_LOL | E_LOL | - | 6 |
Datini1 | Dat1 | - | 6 |
LoLiDa | lolida | - | 9 |
IIS_VT_L | IISVT | - | 10 |
LEAGUEGG | GiGeCa | - | 8 |